How To Create Professional Email Templates For Business Communication

Phil Manzano



The difference between a winning professional email and a mediocre one often comes down to a few key components: correct formatting, relevant content, and appropriate tone of voice.

Whether you’re writing to an internal team or to external business partners, these professional email best practices can help ensure that your message is clear, concise, and effective.

In this article, we’ll share some of the most popular and useful professional email templates, along with examples of how to use them in specific business communication scenarios.

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Whether you’re crafting an internal company update or sending a pitch to potential clients, these tips and templates will help you create a polished, professional email layout that’s sure to impress. Know exactly what you’re looking for? Jump ahead using the links below:

Why Are Professional Emails Important?

Professional emails are important for a variety of reasons, including ensuring that your internal communications are clear, concise, and effective. Specifically, it’s important for business professionals to pay attention to the formatting, content, and tone of their emails in order to present themselves and their businesses in a positive light.

Some key components of professional email writing include using correct formatting such as: 

  • Headings
  • Bullet points
  • Clear sign-offs
  • Choosing a tone of voice that is professional, yet engaging and approachable
  • Including relevant content that is tailored for your specific business situation or audience

In addition to these tips, it can be helpful to refer to pre-written internal email templates when composing your messages, as this will help you get straight to the point and avoid common mistakes.

Whether you’re writing an internal company update or crafting a pitch to potential clients, it’s important to keep these professional email best practices in mind. With the right tools and techniques, you can create emails that showcase your professionalism, confidence, and expertise as a business professional!

Tips for How To Create a Professional Email Template

Follow these best practices for creating an effective and professional email template for your business.

Identify the purpose and intended audience of your email.

This will help you determine the best format, content, and tone for your message.

  • ✔️ Plan out your email by figuring out the purpose and audience behind it. Consider the length of your email, what you’re trying to say, as well as who you are addressing.
  • ❌  Rushing through your email creation and overlooking important details will not yield you good results.

Once you’ve determined your intended audience, you can begin to plan how you will send information to them. Try creating different email lists of employees to based on the information you plan to send them.

Using ContactMonkey’s List Management feature, you can create custom email lists without requiring IT to do it for you. This way you can send only relevant emails to your employees, and avoid over saturating their inboxes with unnecessary emails.

ContactMonkey integrates with your existing Human Resources Information System (HRIS) like Workday and ADP, as well as Azure Active Directory, so your email lists will update automatically as employees join and leave your organization.

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Set the tone of voice and maintain a professional, yet friendly and witty tone throughout your email

This can be done by choosing appropriate keywords and reviewing your content for clarity and concision.

  • ✔️  “I hope you’re having a great day! I’m interested in attending your open house this weekend, and wanted to ask about the event details.”
  • ❌ “Hey. When is the event? I’m really excited to check it out!”

Consider the formatting of your email

Whether you’re communicating via internal or external emails, choosing an appropriate layout and font style that is clearly readable can make all the difference in how professional your message appears to others.

  • ✔️   Write with a clear format including proper spacing and bullet points for easier readability.
  • ❌  Use a cluttered or poorly-formatted layout that is difficult to read.

Make sure the content of your email is relevant and clearly focused on the goal of your message

This can be done by breaking up your content into short, easily-digestible paragraphs, as well as including a strong call to action or clear purpose statement at the beginning of your email.

  • ✔️  Structure your email with clear, concise paragraphs and include a clear call to action.
  • ❌  Write long-winded or rambling content that lacks focus and doesn’t clearly convey your message.

Not sure how to start your employee email? Let ContactMonkey’s OpenAI ChatGPT integration give you some ideas. Simply enter a prompt describing what kind of content you’d like, and then edit the output text according to your audience.

Keep things brief and to the point

Avoid padding out your email with unnecessary details or tangents, and focus instead on quickly communicating the key points of your message in a clear and concise way.

  • ✔️ Write with purpose and brevity, keeping your email clear and concise.
  • ❌   Ramble on about unnecessary details or tangents that take away from the purpose of your message.

Tailor your email template to specific situations

This changes depending on who you’re communicating with and what the purpose of your message is.

  • ✔️  Use appropriate keywords, references, and tone of voice that is relevant to your purpose and intended audience.
  • ❌  Use generic, impersonal language regardless of who you’re communicating with or the purpose of your message.

Take the time to proofread carefully

Also be sure to follow up on any questions or concerns that your recipient may have.

  • ✔️ Run your email through a  spell checker and read over it carefully for any typos or grammatical errors.
  • ❌ Send your email off without taking the time to review it for mistakes or clarity issues, and just hope that your recipient doesn’t ask any questions or bring up any concerns.

With these tips and templates as your guide, you can create winning email templates that help you effectively communicate with colleagues. 

Using a professional email template builder is the easiest way to get started. You can use the following professional business email examples to jump right in.

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17 Ready-To-Go Professional Email Templates for Business

While there are countless ways to employ email templates at your business, we’ve created a list of 15+ email templates that you can use and customize for your organization.

1. Welcome email template

Whether you’re onboarding a new employee or welcoming a new client to your organization, the welcome email is an essential tool for setting the right tone and making a positive first impression. Some key features of this business email template include friendly language that puts your recipient at ease. Try to have professional yet casual formatting such as bullet points and numbered lists that make it easy to scan and digest the content.

Here’s an example of an employee introduction template you can steal or adapt:

Dear (Name),

Welcome to our company! We are so excited to have you on board, and we hope that you will find your new role both challenging and rewarding.

As a member of our team, you will have access to a wide range of resources and support systems, including: 

  • (list key resources)
  • (list key resources)
  • (list key resources)

Additionally, we encourage you to reach out to any members of the team if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help you succeed!

Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to working with you.


(Your Name)

2 . Onboarding email template

Onboarding new employees can be a time-consuming and complicated process. However, if you have the right tools in place, it doesn’t have to be a headache. This onboarding email template can help you streamline this process and make your new employee feel welcome. This is a great way to reinforce your company culture right from the start.

Some key features of this template include a clear, easy-to-follow structure. This lays out all the essential steps and timelines involved in onboarding. This template should include resources such as handbooks and training materials, so that your employees can hit the ground running.

Here’s a professional email example to copy:

Dear (Name),

Welcome to our company! We are thrilled to have you as part of our team, and we know that you will find your new role both exciting and rewarding.

To help ensure a smooth onboarding process, we’ve put together this handy guide that outlines the key steps involved in getting started with us.

(List the key steps involved in your onboarding process, such as completing new hire paperwork, attending training sessions, etc.)

In addition to these resources, we’ve also made sure to include important company information such as our employee handbook and other training materials that you can refer back to at any time. 

We look forward to working with you, and we wish you all the best in your new role.


(Your Name)

3. CEO update email template

As the CEO of a company, it’s important to keep your stakeholders and employees up-to-date on any changes or updates happening within your organization. Whether you’re introducing new hires, or providing an update on a recent initiative, the CEO update email template is a great tool for communicating all this information in a clear and concise way.

This template typically includes simple, professional formatting that is easy to scan and digest at a glance. It also includes bullet points or numbered lists for highlighting key takeaways. This template should outline any relevant deadlines or timelines so that recipients are aware of what actions they need to take next.

You could use something like this:

Dear (Name),

I’m writing today to share some exciting news about our recent financial results for the quarter.

Overall, we saw strong growth in revenue and profit this quarter, with year-over-year increases of (list key figures). Additionally, I’m pleased to announce that we reached our goal of (list milestone), which is a significant accomplishment for our team.

We would not have been able to achieve this success without the hard work and dedication of each and every member of our organization, and I want to thank you all for your contributions.

Looking ahead, there are a number of upcoming projects and initiatives that we are currently working on, including:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3 

Please be sure to check your email or our company website for more information on these important developments.

As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

(Your Name)

4. Pitch email template

The pitch email template is essential for getting your message across clearly and concisely. 

This template should include clear headers and sections that break up the content into easily digestible chunks. The copy should be persuasive and help convince your readers of the value and potential of your idea.

Here’s a simple example to get you started:

Dear (Name),

I am writing to share an exciting new idea that I believe has the potential to revolutionize our company’s approach to (topic). With strategic thinking and innovative solutions, my pitch for (name of proposal) promises to deliver significant results in terms of (specific business outcomes).

Would you be open to discussing my idea in more detail, either via phone or email? I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


(Your Name)

5. Invitation email template

Whether you’re hosting a company event or inviting potential clients to a networking function, the invitation email template is an essential tool for getting your message across clearly and effectively. When building out this template, include a professional, polished tone and clear formatting that makes it easy to navigate the content. 

When thinking about event management, you may also want to include some suggested logistical details such as location information, date and time details, or RSVP instructions to help ensure that your recipients are able to respond in a timely manner.

Here’s one of those business email templates in action:

Dear (Name),

I am writing to invite you to attend our company’s upcoming event, which will be taking place on (date) at (location). This is an excellent opportunity for us to connect with other professionals in the industry and share ideas about how we can continue to contribute meaningfully to the success of our company.

Please let me know if you are able to attend. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


(Your Name)

6. Confirmation email template

When you send an important email to a colleague, client, or vendor, it’s essential they receive and read the message in a timely manner. Use this email to provide clear instructions for what to do next, as well as maintain a professional and polite tone to help set expectations for your recipient. 

These will typically include quick action requests that clearly lay out what needs to be done, as well as clear formatting that makes it easy for your reader to follow along.

Here’s an example you can steal:

Dear (Name),

I am writing to confirm that you have received and reviewed the attached document, titled (name of attachment). Please let me know if there are any changes or corrections that need to be made. Additionally, please let me know if you are able to complete this task by (date or required response timeframe).

Thank you for your time. And I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


(Your Name)

7. Feedback email template

Whether you are providing employee feedback on a recent project or soliciting feedback from your team, the professional email feedback template can be an essential tool for getting your message across clearly and effectively. 

You should include a polite tone that respects the opinions of your recipient, as well as clear formatting and persuasive language that helps to convince them to consider your input seriously.

Here’s what it can look like in practice:

Dear (Name),

I am writing to request your feedback on the attached document, titled (name of attachment). I believe that this information would be helpful for me as I work on (project or purpose) and could potentially contribute to our team’s efforts in achieving (desired outcome).

Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this document. And I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


(Your Name)

8. Follow-up email template

The professional follow-up email template can help you effectively convey your message and increase the chances of getting a timely response from your recipient. 

Be sure to include clear formatting and persuasive language that can help to remind your recipient about your request and encourage them to take action. Additionally, you may also want to include a quick call-to-action or set of next steps in order to help move the process forward.

Use this example for inspiration:

Dear (Name),

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to follow up on our recent email exchange about (topic or purpose) and wanted to make sure that we were able to talk about all of the necessary details related to your request.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please take a moment to review the attached document and let me know if there are any questions or concerns you have. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


(Your Name)

9. Introductory email template

The professional introductory email can help you make a great first impression. Some key features of this template include polite and friendly language that helps to put your recipient at ease and establish a positive rapport right off the bat. 

You can also include a brief introduction about yourself, as well as an overall summary of what you hope to gain from communicating with this person or organization.

Here’s an example you can steal:

Dear (Name),

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce myself, as we have recently begun working together on (topic or purpose) and I wanted to take the time to get to know you better.

My name is (your name) and I am a (your profession or title) at (your company). I have over (number) years of experience in the industry, and I have been working with (other professionals or businesses) on (project or purpose) for the past (timeframe).

I am looking forward to getting to know you better as we work together on this exciting project. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or feedback, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


(Your Name)​

10. Survey email template

Conducting a professional business survey can be an essential part of collecting information, evaluating performance, and improving your organization’s overall effectiveness. This email is designed to help you get more responses from your internal team—something that becomes very important when you implement internal email tracking via an email analytics tool.

Key features of this corporate email template include copy that is easy to read and understand, as well as clear formatting that makes it easy for readers to scan the document and quickly find the information they are looking for. 

You may also want to consider including a special request at the beginning of your survey email template. This can help encourage more responses from your team members.

Here’s an example you can steal:

Dear (Name),

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our organization, we are conducting a brief business survey focused on (topic or purpose). We are asking all team members to take 5 minutes to provide their feedback by completing this short survey.

In order to make sure that we capture the most complete picture of our organization’s current performance, we would appreciate your honest and candid responses to our survey here (link to survey).

Thank you in advance for your participation. We truly value your input and look forward to seeing the results of this survey in our next company meeting.


(Your Name)

11. Request for proposal email template

This template can provide an outline and format for creating this type of document. 

Key features of this template include a clear outline and structure, with sections for details on the requirements of the project, evaluation criteria, and more. Additionally, the template also includes helpful instructions and guidance to ensure that your RFP is clear, comprehensive, and easy to understand by potential bidders.

Here’s an example you can use:

Dear (Name),

We are currently seeking proposals from qualified vendors to provide (service type) services, as outlined in this request for proposal. In order to ensure that we select the most qualified candidate for this project, we are asking interested vendors to submit proposals that detail their qualifications and experience as well as a proposed plan for completing the work.

In order to qualify for consideration, please provide the following information in your proposal:

  • Detailed description of your company’s background and qualifications for providing (service type) services
  • Summary of your approach and methodology for completing the work, including an outline of how you will meet our requirements and evaluation criteria
  • Any previous experience working with clients in similar industries or with similar needs
  • Pricing information, along with any additional fees or considerations that may apply

We appreciate your interest in this project and look forward to reviewing your proposal.


(Your Name)​

12. Business plan email template

A business plan is a key document that outlines the strategy and goals for your business, as well as how you plan to achieve these goals in the years ahead. 

In the email, you should incorporate sections on the executive summary, company overview, industry analysis, marketing/sales strategy, and more. 

Additionally, the template should include helpful tips and guidance on best practices for effectively presenting your plans and ideas to potential investors or lenders.

Here’s an example you can use:

Dear (Name),

We are pleased to present our business plan for (Your Business Name). Our goal in creating this plan is to outline the strategy and goals for our company, as well as how we intend to achieve these objectives over the next several years.

In order to capture our vision for the future of (Your Business Name), our plan includes the following main sections:

  • Executive summary: A brief overview of our company and its goals, outlining how we plan to achieve these objectives over time
  • Company overview: Detailed information about our business structure, operations, and competitors in the industry
  • Industry analysis: An in-depth look at the current state of our industry, including key trends and challenges we will face
  • Marketing/sales strategy: A clear outline of our marketing and sales efforts, including our goals, tactics, and performance metrics

We believe that this business plan effectively captures the essence of (Your Business Name), and we are confident that it will serve as an effective tool for achieving our objectives in the years ahead.


(Your Name)​

13. Promotion announcement email template

When announcing that a team member has been promoted to a new position or role within your company, it’s important to craft a promotion announcement. This email should clearly communicate the news and celebrate their accomplishments. 

This template should include sections on the specific team member being promoted, as well as helpful tips and guidance on how to best recognize the team member.

Here’s an example:

Dear (Name),

We are pleased to announce that (Name) has been promoted to the position of (Title). In this new role, (Name) will be responsible for overseeing our marketing initiatives and ensuring that we continue to achieve our objectives in this area.

(Name) first joined our team five years ago, and in that time, has demonstrated exceptional dedication to their work and a deep understanding of our company’s goals. Over the past few years, (Name) has taken on an increasingly important role in managing our marketing efforts, and we are confident that they will excel in this new position.

As we celebrate (Name)’s accomplishments, we would also like to thank you for your continued support of our company. We look forward to (Name)’s continued success in this new role, and we are confident that together, we can achieve great things in the years ahead.


(Your Name)​

14. Employee dismissal email template

While it can be difficult to face the reality of terminating an employee, it’s important to maintain a professional tone and approach in communicating this news. 

Be sure to include some important information such as the name of the team member and any high level plans about how the company will be moving forward.

Here’s an example of the template in action:

Dear (Name),

We regret to inform you that (Name) will no longer be part of our team. After careful consideration and discussion, we have determined that it is in the best interests of both (Name) and our company to end our working relationship at this time.

We would like to thank (Name) for their contributions to our team. And we wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this decision, please feel free to reach out to us at any time.


(Your Name)​ 

15. Responding to a dissatisfied customer email template

When dealing with a customer who’s dissatisfied, it’s important to remain professional and provide them with clear and actionable solutions. 

This template should include sections on the specific situation that has caused their dissatisfaction. Also include specific actions your team can take to make the situation better.

Here’s an example you can steal:

Dear (Name),

We would like to thank you for taking the time to reach out regarding your recent experience with our company.

It is absolutely unacceptable that you did not have a positive experience with our products. And we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

In order to ensure that we are meeting the expectations of all of our customers, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with more details on what exactly went wrong. Please let us know if there is anything specific we can do in order to make this situation right and win back your trust and loyalty.

We value your business and hope to hear from you soon.


(Your Name)​

16. Requesting a sponsorship email template

Whether you’re seeking funding for a charity event or want to partner with a local business, it’s important to communicate your request in a professional manner. 

This template incorporates sections on the specific reason for requesting the sponsorship, as well as any details or information that can help strengthen your case.

Here’s an example of the template being used:

Dear (Name),

I am reaching out today to request your support in our upcoming charity event, (Name of Event).

This event is an important source of funding for our organization. And we are hoping to raise as much money as possible in order to continue providing vital services to our community.

In addition to your financial support, we would also greatly appreciate any in-kind donations that may be able to help us reach our fundraising goals.

We look forward to hearing from you soon, and thank you for your consideration in this matter.


(Your Name)​

17. Thank you email template

When you’re thanking someone for their contribution to a project, send a follow-up email that is both courteous and professional. 

This thank you email template incorporates sections on the specific person or team being acknowledged, a genuine thank you for their specific contributions, and a light-hearted look forward.

Here’s an example:

Dear (Name),

I would like to thank you for your efforts and contributions on the (Project Name) project.

Your input was invaluable in helping us achieve our goals. And we appreciate all of the time and energy that you put into this project. 

We are grateful for your dedication and commitment to our team. And we look forward to working with you again in the future.


(Your Name)​

Getting Started with Professional Email Templates

Professional email templates can be an essential tool for communicating effectively and efficiently in any business setting. These templates can help you get your message across clearly and professionally every time.

So use this article to help you find the perfect templates for your needs. And remember to always tailor your emails to fit the specific situation and recipient. With a little care and attention, you can create professional emails that get results every time!

ContactMonkey’s email software is comprehensive and user-friendly, allowing you to easily create engaging emails and track their success. With dozens of industry-tested email templates to choose from, you’ll be sure to find a style that fits your business. See ContactMonkey in action and find out how we can improve your internal communication with professional business email templates!

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