Product Updates February 2023: Gmail Dashboard Sending, EU Data Centre, New Settings Page

Maithili Jha


in Product Updates

In February, our Product team launched many long-awaited upgrades that our customers are going to love! Read on to learn more..

What’s New

Gmail Dashboard Sending

Gmail customers can now enjoy an easy, hassle-free email sending process. Gmail Dashboard Sending allows Gmail users to send employee emails from within the ContactMonkey dashboard, while still using their Gmail infrastructure. This feature offers added functionality to the Gmail sending flow, including the ability to:

  • Send emails to List Management lists
  • See, reschedule, and delete scheduled emails
  • Send test emails


EU Data Centre

Many European users require their vendors to store their data within Europe. With this in mind, ContactMonkey has set up a dedicated EU Data Centre enabling EU-based customers to use ContactMonkey seamlessly as per their regulations.

New Settings Page

A new and improved Settings Page offers users a single-view side navigation, making it easier to read and digest information. Several key pages like Users, My Profile, Team, and Resources have been consolidated into a single page providing users a cleaner navigation and a superior user experience.

Interested in learning more about ContactMonkey’s email solution for Outlook and Gmail? Book your free personalized demo to have all your questions answered.