Writer bio

My name is Ali Rodriguez, a content marketing specialist, strategist, and storyteller based in Toronto. For the past 4 years I’ve spent my time generating content, stories, and marketing strategies for B2B businesses and different online publications.

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 Ali Rodriguez

GDPR Compliance for Internal Communications

GDPR regulations are a big deal for your business. They shape how you run your operations and can spell out trouble if not properly addressed. By communicating GDPR compliance to employees in a clear and timely manner, you can avoid penalties and keep business running smoothly. For many, GDPR compliance can be a significant source ... Read more

Beyond Internal Email Open Rates: Email Metrics for Better Engagement

Although many internal communicators focus on internal email open rates, there are other metrics they need to watch out for as well.   A good average email open rate for an organizational internal email will vary depending on your industry, practices, company culture, and even geographical location. Needless to say, open rate is subject to plenty ... Read more

Best Email Template Builder for Outlook

ContactMonkey’s email template builder integrates seamlessly with Outlook. Save time and create beautiful, responsive HTML email templates for your corporate communications! Our drag-and-drop Outlook email template builder—coupled with your Outlook inbox—truly gives you the best of both worlds: the power of the cloud without having to leave your email client to send and track beautiful, ... Read more

15 Best Internal Communications Podcasts For IC Pros

Podcasts, whether they’re internal communication podcasts, comedy, news, or any other genre, are a great way to consume content. Podcasts are free, allow you to be on-the-go, and are so unobtrusive that you can accomplish other things (working out, do the dishes, get ready to go to bed) while learning incredibly valuable information. If you’re ... Read more

ContactMonkey vs. Mailchimp: Email Software For Internal Communications

Explore how ContactMonkey compares to Mailchimp for internal communications and learn how the right choice for internal email is clear. Not everyone uses dedicated internal communications tools, often opting to use an external marketing tool like Mailchimp for internal communications. While this may not seem like a huge conflict, it will lead to issues with ... Read more

The Worst Mail Merge Fails (and How to Fix Them)

Once a necessity for mass internal communications, mail merges are no longer an effective solution for personalizing employee emails. Learn how to easily personalize mass internal emails with a modern internal communications tool like ContactMonkey. In today’s business climate, it’s safe to say no one should still be using Microsoft Word’s mail merge feature for ... Read more

How to Use Virtual Reality in Corporate Communications

In the near future, using virtual reality in corporate communications may become commonplace. From the use of virtual reality in corporate communications, to the groundbreaking success of games like Pokemon Go, there are clear signs that we’re all ready for these technologies. For the past couple of years, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) ... Read more

How To Send An HTML Email in Gmail: 5 Easy Steps

Ever wondered, “how do I send HTML email in Gmail?” or “what’s the best way to create Gmail HTML email?” Look no further, there’s no better way to add HTML code to a Gmail email than via ContactMonkey. If you’ve tried to put HTML in Gmail, you’ll know it’s not that easy. You can’t just ... Read more

Slack vs Email: Choosing Internal Communication Channels

Do you know what the Slack alternatives are for communications? Have you ever thought who would win in Slack vs Email battle?  For the uninitiated, Slack is a workplace messaging software that promises to facilitate communication and collaboration across organizations. Instead of your traditional inbox, Slack has “channels,” giving employees the opportunity to avoid irrelevant ... Read more

Outlook Mail Merge in Office 365: How to Mail Merge in Outlook

Our new Outlook Mail Merge tool lets you send beautiful HTML emails without leaving Outlook. Now you can get the best of both worlds: the power of the cloud without having to leave Outlook to send a mail merge.  As you know, internal emails and employee newsletters can increase employee engagement, morale, and overall business performance. Historically ... Read more