5 Best Practices for Employee Engagement to Master in 2024

Grace M


in Employee Engagement

Internal communications and employee engagement best practices can transform a mediocre team into one that breeds excellence. Discover the best practices for employee engagement to build a measurable strategy that will supercharge your workforce.

In recent years, the workplace has become more complex than ever. Uncertainty around inflation, recession, and varying workplace structures have given employees pause. Now, it’s up to internal communicators to navigate consistent change, reduced employee engagement and satisfaction rates while supporting leadership’s vision. This is not an easy feat!

In this post, we’ll walk through the employee engagement best practices for 2024 and explore the impact along with the key benefits of employee engagement. From implementing effective communication strategies to creating a people-first culture, read on to learn about the top five tactics and strategies to transform your workforce, today. 

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What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is about creating an environment where employees feel motivated, and invested in their roles and the company’s success. Engaged employees are not just satisfied with their jobs; they are enthusiastic contributors who go above and beyond their basic responsibilities.

Why is Employee Engagement Important?

The importance of employee engagement cannot be overstated. Employee engagement is a crucial driver for organizational success, impacting various aspects of business performance. With high engagement rates, organizations see a wide range of benefits, including: 

  • Heightened productivity
  • Improved retention rates
  • Enhanced customer service 
  • Increased innovation
  • A positive and healthy workplace culture

Flipping the lens to disengaged employees now, the cost of low engagement is substantial. In the US alone, disengaged employees resulted in companies losing between $450 and $500 billion. Can we say ouch!? Let’s dive a little bit deeper though to understand the full picture behind the business case of employee engagement.

How much is low employee engagement costing you?

What is the Business Case for Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement isn’t just a feel-good initiative; it can impact all aspects of your organization—from growth and revenue to brand reputation and customer satisfaction. In fact, organizations that prioritize engagement reap significant benefits in terms of performance, profitability, and competitive advantage.

The employee engagement ROI is worth paying attention to. Picture this: You have two employees, both in similar roles. Pam has recently joined your organization and is excited about the ideal alignment between their purpose and your organization’s mission. She’s full of passion and drive, delivering value beyond her assigned tasks. 

Jim on the other hand is a veteran who has weathered the ups and downs of the pandemic, may be feeling burnt out, and is questioning the purpose of their role. You can probably guess where this story is going— Pam is engaged and aligned with her work and Jim is disengaged and may need additional support. 

In practice, Pam continuously delivers her best work and strives to help your company grow and excel. Jim struggles to motivate himself, and performs at the bare minimum, sometimes missing deadlines and not engaging with their team members. According to a recent report by Gallup, organizations with high engagement rates experience an increase of 18% in productivity and 23% in profitability. In other words, the cost of employee disengagement is high for businesses.

Implementing best practices for employee engagement can help you reap the output and revenue rewards of a committed workforce.

Be sure to check out these additional strategies on how to engage employees in the workplace.

Best Practices for Fostering Employee Engagement

Your strategies should target various touchpoints throughout the employee lifecycle—from onboarding to career development and beyond. By implementing a variety of strategies, you can create a comprehensive engagement action plan that addresses the whole employee experience. 

As we explore the following best practices to increase employee engagement, keep in mind that the key to success lies in combining these strategies to create a dynamic employee engagement program.

1. Implement effective communication strategies for two-way engagement

Effective communication is one of the most important leadership best practices that improve employee engagement. After all, strong company communication starts (and stops) with leadership. Here are some key strategies to build connection through communication and implement employee engagement best practices:

Establish open-door policies

Encourage leaders at all levels to maintain an open-door policy. This approach makes management more accessible and creates an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas, concerns, and feedback. Reminder: an open-door policy is only effective if employees feel safe using it without fear of repercussions. 

For example…

Have monthly town hall meetings where leadership and teams connect and present what they’re working on. Host a Q&A session like an “Ask Me Anything” webinar, with a company-wide poll, or consider using conversation starter prompts where employees share their input. Questions that prompt insights into who your team members are in and out of the workplace work well to facilitate two-way dialogue:

  • “What’s your favorite time of day to do deep work?” 
  • “What are your preferred communication channels?”
  • “How do you spend your time outside of work?” 
  • “Where do you plan on traveling next?” 

Use multiple communication channels

Different employees prefer different modes of communication. Some may favor face-to-face interactions, while others might prefer digital platforms. A best practice for employee engagement is implementing a mix of communication channels to meet employees where they are.

For example…

  • Book ongoing team meetings for face-to-face (or camera-on) connections.
  • Develop and send monthly company-wide newsletters.
  • Build and maintain intranet platforms for a one-stop-shop of resources.
  • Leverage tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams for asynchronous communications.
  • Implement regular feedback loops to maintain consistent touchpoints

Regularly gather two-way feedback

Feedback shouldn’t be a one-way street or an annual event. Create ongoing opportunities for both giving and receiving feedback. 

For example…

  • Booking regular one-on-one meetings between employees, managers, and senior leadership.
  • Launching employee engagement surveys like Pulse surveys for quick, frequent check-ins.
  • Establishing a performance review program with 360-degree feedback sessions. 

Encourage leaders and managers to practice active listening. This involves fully concentrating on what’s being said, understanding the message, responding thoughtfully, and remembering the information. Active listening shows employees that their input is valued and helps build trust. Learn more about creating employee engagement surveys that deliver valuable feedback.

Provide context and transparency

As a best practice for employee engagement, when communicating changes, decisions, or company updates, provide context. Employees are more likely to buy into changes when they understand the reasoning behind them. Transparency in communication can significantly boost trust and engagement.

For example…

Let’s say your company has chosen to move offices or change the working structure (remote to hybrid or hybrid to remote). To ensure employees understand the why behind the change and to build trust, explain why the change is occurring and aim to back up rationales with data:

  • Scenario 1: Your team is growing and you need a larger office space.
  • Internal message: “As our team has seen substantial growth [insert % increase] over the past year, we’re planning an office move to accommodate the increase in employee count…” 
  • Scenario 2: Strategic decisions are becoming increasingly difficult to make in a fully remote workplace and a hybrid working structure is an ideal solution. 
  • Internal message: “After hearing your feedback [insert specifics] about our working structure, we’re welcoming back employees to the office in a hybrid capacity…”

Train leaders in effective communication

Invest in communication training for your leadership team. Effective communicators can articulate the company’s vision, provide clear directions, and inspire their teams. This training should cover both verbal and written communication skills.

For example…

  • Training for leaders in how to build trust through comms 
  • Leadership training on communicating across culture 
  • Training that deals with understanding different communication styles
  • Sessions that cover best practices and etiquette for different internal comms channels

Effective communication is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and refinement. Once you start, don’t stop—iterate using data-informed tactics and pivot as you go!

20+ most popular templates for internal communicators

Must-haves for every organization.

2. Leverage technology to boost and measure levels of employee engagement

Using employee engagement software to drive engagement should be a key piece of your overall engagement strategy.

Establishing employee engagement benchmarks allows organizations to measure progress against industry standards and improve overall workforce satisfaction.

In today’s modern workplace, digital natives reign and internal communicators hold the critical role of facilitating two-way dialogue – not only sharing information from the top or on behalf of the organization. Enter the need for technology to increase employee engagement.

With internal communications and employee engagement tools, you can maximize the benefits of your communications across teams and departments. Here are a few advantages: 

  • Increase employee productivity by eliminating information gaps.
  • Strengthen company culture through digital community building and in-sync brand messaging. 
  • Improve the employee experience through connected platforms and streamlined communication processes. 
  • Boost workplace retention by increasing employee engagement.

A tool like ContactMonkey offers a comprehensive platform with a range of features designed to boost engagement through newsletters, emails, surveys, event management, recognition systems, and feedback mechanisms. Gain insights into the power of using technology for employee engagement for in-office, hybrid and remote work settings.

ContactMonkey employee engagement software tool

Create a more cohesive and engaging employee experience 

Employee engagement surveys combined with monthly newsletters are powerful features to leverage to boost engagement levels through an enhanced employee experience. Surveys are a powerful tool for gauging employee sentiment and are part of the best practices for employee engagement. These are a few benefits of employee engagement surveys that you can set up with ContactMonkey.

To maximize their effectiveness, align surveys with organization goals and make sure questions are closely aligned with strategic goals and engagement initiatives. You’ll also want to consider implementing a mix of pulse surveys for quick, real-time feedback and more comprehensive surveys periodically with tailored approaches in mind, depending on each team. 

When you develop your monthly newsletter content, a best practice for responding to employee engagement survey results includes drafting content that highlights survey insights and actions. Summarize the feedback, outline the steps being taken to address concerns, and celebrate any positive trends or improvements. This keeps employees informed and reassures them that their input is having an impact. 

Searching for ways to engage employees with newsletters? Check out these proven employee engagement newsletter strategies using ContactMonkey.

ContactMonkey employee  engagement software tool

Measure and track the success of internal communication initiatives

Tech tools allow you to capture the data you need to make informed decisions. With ContactMonkey, you’ll be able to track overall engagement scores for surveys, newsletters, emails, and events. Stuck on what exactly you should be tracking? We break it down for you: 

Email and newsletters 
  • Open and click-through rates: For internal newsletters and email communications, monitor how often employees open and engage with the content. High open rates and click-through rates indicate effective communication.
  • Feedback and interaction: Measure the level of engagement with communication materials, such as responses to surveys, participation in forums, or comments on internal social platforms.

  • Participation rates: The percentage of employees participating in engagement activities or responding to surveys.
  • Event attendance: Record the number of attendees at engagement events or training sessions.
  • Activity participation: Track participation in engagement-related activities, such as workshops, recognition programs, and volunteer opportunities.
ContactMonkey employee engagement software analytics example

Learn how you can leverage AI tools for employee engagement optimization.

Eliminate the need to manage fragmented systems

Choosing one system to do it all will save you time, funds, and headaches (seriously). Consider this a best practice for employee engagement for yourself as a leader, offering you the opportunity to focus on a single tool instead of disconnected and fragmented systems. 

Consistency and efficiency are the goals for your comms and choosing a single source of truth ensures all employees receive the right information at the right time while reducing your time spent switching between different tools and platforms. If you’re stuck on customization and need to save more time, ContactMonkey’s ChatGPT email assistant can help you create a personalized message for every recipient in just a few clicks. This feature allows communicators to quickly generate personalized emails in bulk, making it easier to reach larger audiences while still creating a meaningful connection. 

A tech-enabled engagement ecosystem drives resonance and results without the heavy, manual lifts. Ready to get started!?

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3. Equip your people with the right tools and resources 

Providing resources to your employees demonstrates that the organization is invested in their development, and this can lead to improved levels of engagement and productivity. While many organizations may default to providing monetary resources, here are some ideas for building a rich resource library that will engage your employees and help you incorporate best practices for employee engagement:

Create peer-to-peer groups

Peer groups allow employees to share their experiences, brainstorm ideas, and provide feedback to each other. This can lead to improved teamwork, higher levels of engagement, and increased productivity. Peer groups can be organized by department, role, or even by personal interests, creating a sense of community within the organization.

For example…

Set a monthly lunch and learn budget where peer groups get together and present what they’re working on, problem-solve a common issue or even just socialize. 

Offer the technology and tools that your employees actually want

Providing access to affordable and user-friendly technology tools allows employees to be more productive. 

For example…

Employee communication tools such as Slack, Zoom, and Trello can facilitate smoother connections and collaboration regardless of distance. Providing different online platforms and software can help employees meet targets and objectives faster and more efficiently.

Establish mentors and shared people resources

It is also possible to establish shared resources for execution.

For example…

An organization can create a database of experts within the organization that employees can consult in case of challenging projects. This online database of expertise provides an efficient way for employees to quickly identify people with the knowledge or skills needed for a specific project or task.

Set an allowance for personal and professional development

Providing employees with opportunities to grow professionally through training, education, or certifications is another way to offer resources.

For example…

Develop in-house training sessions that will deepen employees’ knowledge, while providing access to seminars or online courses that will help build new skill sets.

Offer inclusive, cultural resources

Creating and promoting a diverse and inclusive company culture is an essential resource for employees. Educating about cultural differences and encouraging respectful interaction is an excellent way to ensure that all employees feel valued and heard.

For example…

Book a quarterly webinar with a cultural expert or a psychologist to provide nuanced training on cultural awareness for that particular culture. Additionally, providing educational resources (like an eBook, guide, or a series of articles) on topics such as mental health or stress management to help employees cope with difficult challenges both in and out of the workplace.

Are you looking to gauge whether you’re investing in the right resources at the right time? We have you covered. Consider using ContactMonkey to track and improve staff engagement metrics at your organization.  

Pulse surveys that actually engage employees

Turn emails into conversations.

4. Build a people-centric culture

Before you build a people-first culture you have to understand what exactly your people want. How do they want to work? How do they want to collaborate? What are their working styles? What are their communication preferences? 

Without polling the audience, we’d wager that a healthy work environment where employees feel respected, consulted, and valued will be the main vote.

Here are some key strategies to foster a positive work environment where people come first:

Prioritize work-life balance

Encouraging a healthy work-life balance is essential for employee well-being and long-term engagement. 

For example…

Consider implementing flexible work hours (7-3, 8-4, 10-6, etc.), remote work options, or compressed work weeks. Lead by example and encourage employees to take breaks and use their vacation time in full. 

Implement recognition programs

Acknowledging and appreciating employees’ efforts and achievements is a powerful way to boost morale and motivation.

For example…

Develop a robust employee recognition program that includes both formal and informal recognition methods. This could involve regular “employee of the month” awards, peer-to-peer recognition platforms, or simple gestures like personalized thank-you notes from management.

Foster workplace relationships

Strong interpersonal connections at work can significantly enhance employee satisfaction and engagement.

For example…

Implement mentorship programs or cross-departmental projects to facilitate relationship-building across different areas of the organization.

Develop psychological safety

Create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback.

For example…

Implement an open-door policy, regular town hall meetings, or anonymous suggestion boxes. Management training in creating a psychologically safe workplace is also highly effective here as not all will know how to communicate or behave accordingly to develop this safety. According to new data, 69% of people agree that their manager has more impact on their mental health and that’s equal to the impact of their partner! Sobering? Management training is certainly key.

Support employee wellness

Invest in comprehensive wellness programs that address physical, mental, and emotional health.

For example…

Offer gym memberships, organize stress management workshops, or provide access to mental health resources. Of course, communicate about employee benefits so your staff can take care of themselves.

Implementing these strategies as part of employee engagement best practices will help you cultivate a positive work environment.

10 HR emails for every scenario

Take the stress out of job offers, onboarding, and more.

5. Align your organization’s mission with employee purpose

Another one of the most powerful employee engagement best practices is aligning individual goals with the company’s broader mission.

Helping employees find meaning in the work they do also goes a long way in unlocking purpose and ultimately leading to increased engagement.

Here’s how to effectively align employee goals with the company mission:

  • Communicate the company’s vision and mission: Ensure that every employee understands the organization’s overarching goals and direction. This clarity provides context for individual roles and responsibilities.
  • Connect individual roles to company objectives: Help employees see the direct link between their tasks and the company’s success. Reinforce this through regular discussions and performance reviews.
  • Implement transparent goal-setting processes: Involve employees in setting their own goals that align with departmental and company objectives. This participatory approach increases buy-in and commitment.
  • Use cascading goals: Start with high-level company objectives and break them down into departmental, team, and individual goals. This approach ensures alignment at all levels of the organization.

Regular check-ins and an employee engagement program can help maintain this alignment and ensure that employees remain connected to the company’s mission over time. Instilling a sense of purpose is an employee engagement best practice, leading to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and retention.

Serve Better Employee Experiences with ContactMonkey

As a leader, YOU, play a crucial role in implementing best practices for employee engagement. Your actions, decisions, and communication set the tone for the entire organization. 

As you move forward, consider how you can integrate these strategies into your leadership approach and discover how ContactMonkey can help:

1. Regularly assess and improve your communication methodsLeverage the e-mail builder tool to deploy e-mails and newsletters easily Monitor analytics and reporting to analyze the success of your communications 
2. Leverage technology to enhance engagement and optimize your programsAccess a centralized system where you can gather feedback via surveys Build custom reports to better understand your employee needs through the analytics dashboard
3. Ensure your people are well-equipped with resourcesSend targeted emails based on distinct needs through the list management tool Use the integration features and sync your email, Azure AD, and HRIS to amplify customized internal comms and employee engagement 
4. Build a people-centric cultureTrack the performance and impact of your culture and well-being programs through segmented email stats, eNPS surveys, and star ratings Leverage the template builder to promote various culture and well-being initiatives at your organization
5. Align individual goals with the company’s mission and valuesTake advantage of regular check-ins so you can track and gauge morale along with overall sentiment Build an ongoing communications program for career development and save time by using ContactMonkey’s automation and AI features!
ContactMonkey employee engagement software tool integration capabilities - Teams, Gmail, Outlook

Time to take your company’s performance to the next level? Book a demo with our internal communication experts today to learn about novel employee engagement best practices and how ContactMonkey can help you and your team win!

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