Chobani: How to Drive Remote Employee Engagement with ContactMonkey

Creating beautiful email newsletters


Maintaining communication with employees during the COVID-19 pandemic


Informative email analytics, user-friendly email builder

Focus Feature

Create, Track


Food and Beverage Services

Number of employees


Previous tools

About Chobani

Chobani is an American food company specializing in strained yogurt. The company was founded in 2005 by Hamdi Ulukaya. Chobani is the top-selling Greek yogurt brand in America and operates the largest yogurt facility in the world.

About Jeff Genung

Jeff Genung is the Senior Director of Internal Communications at Chobani. He’s been with the company for 8 years, having joined in 2013. In charge of communicating all things to Chobani employees, Jeff uses a variety of mediums like email, Microsoft Teams, posters, written communications, flyers, handouts, slides, and more


  • Jeff and his small internal communications team was tasked with maintaining communications with Chobani employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“20% of our workforce is in office locations, and when those employees moved into work from home for an extended period, we knew we had to do something different.”
  • Losing face-to-face communication with office workers meant relying more on email communication. Jeff and his team realized that they needed a dedicated software for their internal emails.
“We had lost that face-to-face office communication and we weren’t able to have large meetings. We knew that communications would be even more important during COVID. We really wanted to have that analytics tool behind us, so that we could make some informed decisions and see if we were reaching the right audiences, at the right time.”


  • Jeff and his team chose ContactMonkey to fortify their internal communications during COVID 19.
  • With ContactMonkey’s email analytics, Jeff could optimize his internal communications strategy using real data to increase reach and engagement.
  • In addition to email analytics, Jeff found that ContactMonkey’s email template builder was a perfect fit for the design-oriented company culture of Chobani.
“We’re a very design-heavy company, design-oriented. It’s important for us to have a tool that could adapt to our brand guidelines, and that was highly customizable. ContactMonkey’s interface really gave us what we needed to do and the level of control that we needed to achieve our goals.”

How ContactMonkey’s Internal Communications Software Helped Chobani

Using ContactMonkey for Chobani’s internal communications, Jeff and his team are able to:
  • Gather in-depth email analytics from their internal communications to create more engagement and design better content.
  • Design amazing internal communications using ContactMonkey’s email template builder.
  • Share design assets across accounts to improve productivity.
  • Schedule and plan future internal communications.
  • Receive around-the-clock support from ContactMonkey’s support team.
“We still are very much in that entrepreneurial startup mode mentality, but with ContactMonkey we felt that we would be an important customer for them. And that relationship was important to us.”

Key Results

“We find ContactMonkey extremely robust and easy to use, and the analytics have been a gold mine for us, so it’s been great… analytics has influenced our internal communications plans and philosophies greatly.”
  • Jeff and his team use ContactMonkey’s analytics to better understand Chobani employees’ engagement habits—which helps them create better, targeted content.
  • With ContactMonkey’s email template builder, Jeff can design and update their internal communications branding with ease.
  • Jeff was also impressed with ContactMonkey’s level of support for his team. ContactMonkey’s support team works around-the-clock to ensure you’re able to face your internal communication challenges head-on.
“We loved the team that we worked with, the implementation team and the sales team that reached out to us. I think it was that persistence, high-touch customer care that we received.”

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