Product Updates March 2021: Mobile Design, Surveys, and Customized Tables

Maithili Jha


in Product Updates

We’re delighted to announce our latest features and improvements that are focused on helping internal communicators create more customized, on-brand, and engaging employees newsletters

What’s New in March 2021

Design Newsletters for Mobile

Customers now have complete control over email design for mobile. Users can view and edit email newsletters as they appear on mobile devices.

Switch between desktop and mobile view while building employee emails, hide elements from displaying on a particular device, toggle between the hidden and original previews, and see how mobile-specific settings such as Do Not Stack and Reverse Stack Order affect content. 

This feature is automatically enabled for all our customers.

How to Design Newsletters for Mobile


Easy Access – Surveys & eNPS

Our drag-and-drop email template builder just got even easier to use. We’ve introduced two new content blocks for Surveys and eNPS, so users can easily find and add these key engagement tools to employee newsletters.

How to Add Surveys & eNPS to Your Newsletter

Improved Tables Version 2.0

This feature helps users create cleaner, on-brand newsletter content. Customers now have more control over the design of tables within newsletters. This added flexibility enables users to customize the font size, font colour, and alignment of the table.

How to Insert Tables Within Your Template

Overall Email Report Download

Users can analyze and compare all sent email campaigns in a downloadable excel report. We’ve also included a more comprehensive set of email metrics around opens, clicks, and engagement to enable stronger internal email analysis.

If you’re looking for more data than what’s included in the download campaign excel report, you can use Campaign Comparison within the ContactMonkey dashboard to analyze up to 10 campaigns side by side. 

Are you looking to get started with measuring employee engagement from your Outlook or Gmail inbox? Book your free personalized demo and start sending and measuring better employee newsletters from Outlook and Gmail!