Best Internal Employee Promotion Announcement Email Template

Mariya Postelnyak



An employee promotion is exciting news! But there are important logistics involved in sharing the update with your workforce. An internal employee promotion announcement email template can help you tick all the boxes.

An employee promotion announcement is a perfect time to recognize the hard work and achievements of your staff. 

But it’s not just about saying, “Congrats!”

You need to ensure that the rest of your workforce feels well-informed about the decision and any impacts resulting from the promotion. That’s why a well-crafted internal promotion email announcement is crucial. 

In this post, we’ll teach you how best to announce a promotion and provide you with a ready-to-use internal promotion announcement template to implement across your business.

Employee promotion sample email

Share good news. Make celebrating easy with this template.

How to Announce an Employee Promotion

In general, an employee’s direct reports and team members should be informed about a promotion first. 

Seeing the announcement in a company-wide email might make close colleagues feel blindsided. This may cause dissatisfaction among the team and cast a shadow on the promotion altogether. 

  • Before sending out your promotion announcement, reflect on the size and culture of your organization.
  • If you have a larger company, it might make sense to send out a team promotion announcement first, and then an additional company-wide email.
  • In a smaller company, you might announce the promotion to close colleagues over a Zoom meeting and then proceed to share the news in an internal newsletter.
  • In both cases, you’ll want to include the announcement in an email memo. This is to make sure the news has reached everyone and the details are readily available.

Why Create and Send an Internal Employee Promotion Announcement Email?

An internal employee promotion announcement is designed to accomplish a few things:

  • Keep your workforce in the loop about key changes related to an employee’s new role. This includes the employee’s new role, their previous roles, and their accomplishments.
  • Promote peer-to-peer recognition, which is an important driver of high employee morale and engagement.
  • Show appreciation and recognition for employees who have gone above and beyond in their work.
  • Enable employees to voice their thoughts about a new promotion and send their well wishes.  

Drag, drop, and deliver the most engaging employee emails

What to Include in the Internal Promotion Announcement Email

To make sure an internal promotion happens smoothly, it’s important to meet certain criteria for your employee promotion announcement email. Use the points below as a checklist when announcing a promotion:

☑️ Promoted employee’s full name.

☑️ Previous role and how long they’ve worked in that role.

☑️ The specific new role/title the employee is assuming.

☑️ A brief note on the employee’s new responsibilities.

☑️ The start date for the new role.

☑️ An overview of the employee’s key projects and accomplishments that led to the promotion.

☑️ A congratulatory message inviting the workforce to express their well wishes to the newly promoted employee.

What is in the Internal Promotion Announcement Email Template?

Aside from the email message itself, your internal promotion announcement should include elements and employee newsletter ideas that improve readability and engagement. Here are a few key components to keep in mind:

  • Engaging subject line with the employee’s name.
  • Clear header announcing the promotion.
  • Scannable layout with an informational hierarchy (key information at the top, secondary details below).
  • Brand colours and logos for consistency. 

To make sure you tick all the boxes when it comes to your promotion announcement, we recommend creating a standardized email template. 

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By saving and reusing your template for each promotion, you’ll ensure consistency across all your communications. You’re also less likely to miss important details or make errors in your email because of the standardized format.  

Here’s an example of an internal promotion announcement template that you can create with ContactMonkey’s HTML email template builder:

Dear [Company Name] Team,

I’m incredibly excited to announce the promotion of [Employee Name] to the role of [New Position, [Department Name]!

[Employee Name] has been wi [Company Name] for [Employment Period]. [She/He/They] began their work at the company as [Previous Position] and has played a critical role in [List 1-2 accomplishments]. Their superb [1-2 skills] have driven outstanding results and contributed to our growth as a company.

Now, [Employee Name] will be bringing [her/his/their] expertise to our [Nre Team Name] to [list key responsibilities].

[Her/His/Their] first day as [New Position] will be [Date].

If you have any questions about [Employee Name]’s new role and how it will impact your working relationship, please reach out to [Contact Name/Department] at [Email].

Please join me in wishing [Employee Name] the best of luck and in celebrating this incredible milestone!

How to Create an Internal Promotion Announcement Email Using ContactMonkey

Creating a reusable internal promotion email announcement template is super easy when you have a reliable email tool. You can use ContactMonkey’s responsive email template builder to create internal promotion templates in minutes with just a few simple steps:

Step 1: Choose your responsive email template

ContactMonkey offers over 30 customizable internal email templates. You can also build a template from scratch using easy drag-and-drop controls. 

Customizable internal newsletter templates

Step 2: Add in your email text

follow our promotion announcement checklist to add all the key details about your employee promotion. 

Email template builder

Step 3: Embed comment boxes

ContactMonkey lets you foster dialogue across your internal emails with pulse surveys and anonymous employee feedback boxes. These are great to embed into your promotion announcement as they facilitate peer-to-peer recognition. 

Pulse surveys and feedback boxes

Step 4: Add employer branding

With ContactMonkey’s email design tools, you can easily add, lock, and save branded elements across your email template. Set default colours, logos, and graphics to showcase your employer brand and ensure consistent messaging.

Employer branding tools

Step 5: Preview your email

ContactMonkey lets you check exactly how your email will appear on desktop and mobile devices. This helps ensure quality control and prevents surprises once the email reaches your employees.

Mobile preview of newsletter

You can even preview you emails designed for dark mode!

Preview emails on dark mode

Step 6: Save template

Once you’re satisfied with the look and feel of your template, save it to your team template library. Anyone from your team will be able to access, use, and even collaborate on an email template. This is a great way to ensure brand guidelines are followed no matter who’s writing the email.

Collaboration tools within ContactMonkey

Step 7: Import, send, and track

ContactMonkey has Gmail and Outlook email integration. Once you’ve installed the plugin, you’ll be able to select and embed any of your ContactMonkey templates right from your inbox.

ContactMonkley's Outlook email integration

Remember: before sending your email, conduct a test send to make sure all is in order. Once you’re ready, hit “Send and Track” to collect a range of email analytics – from email opens and clicks to read times – and improve future email communications. 

Email analytics dashboard

Employee engagement measurement

Employee engagement is a crucial factor in any organization’s success. A company with engaged employees has a higher chance of achieving its goals and remaining competitive. But how can you measure employee engagement? That’s where ContactMonkey comes in.

ContactMonkey provides excellent tools to measure employee engagement, such as email tracking and employee surveys. By using these features, you can get valuable insights into how engaged your employees are and what improvements you can make.

But measuring employee engagement is only one part of the equation. To have engaged employees, you need to communicate effectively with them. Good sample HR emails that are well-crafted, clear, and concise can go a long way in improving employee engagement.

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When to Send the Internal Promotion Announcement Email

The best time to send an internal email promotion announcement is when your community is most engaged. 

When you send with ContactMonkey’s email tracking tool, you can see peak engagement times and then schedule your emails accordingly. 

The Campaign Comparison tool provides a visual breakdown of exactly when employees are opening, clicking, and engaging with your emails the most. 

Email analytics dashboard

Use the data to plan out your communications in advance and send emails at the right time every time! 

If you’re interested in exploring more professionally crafted email samples for various employee messaging scenarios, we have additional resources available:

Measure internal email impact in real-time

See where employees are clicking and engage them more.

FAQs about Employee Promotion Announcement Emails

To announce an internal promotion, it’s important to recognize the hard work and dedication of the individual who has been promoted. Start by publicly recognizing their accomplishments in front of colleagues, peers, and team members. Congratulate them on their successes and explain why they were chosen for the promotion.

To announce a promotion to an organization, you should notify everyone in the organization of the promotion. Notify all employees to congratulate the employee who has been promoted and explain what their new role will be. Additionally, thank them for their hard work during their time with your organization and wish them luck in their new role.

In a promotion email, you should include the new role that the individual has been promoted to, along with their current job title. Include details about how this promotion could affect other team members or roles as well. Additionally, thank them for their hard work and dedication during their time with your organization and wish them luck in their new role.

A promotion announcement should be sent as soon as the promotion has been announced. Depending on the size and structure of your organization, this could mean sending out emails or making an announcement in a staff meeting. Additionally, you should make sure to give employees time to adjust to the news before putting any additional responsibilities or changes into effect. This will help ensure everyone has time to process and accept the new role.

Automate Employee Promotion Announcement Emails With ContactMonkey

Employee promotion announcement emails are a great way to get your staff celebrating each other’s accomplishments! They’re also an important tool for ensuring employees have a smooth transition into their new role and colleagues can comfortably adapt to change. 

With ContactMonkey, you can create dynamic employee promotion email templates that promote peer-to-peer recognition!

Take advantage of reusable templates to send email announcements more quickly and ensure consistency across all your messaging. Book a free demo to see ContactMonkey in action!

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