Internal Transfer Announcement Email Samples

Phil Manzano


in Employee Email

When there are internal changes or transfers happening within an organization, it’s best to communicate the news to the rest of the team or company via email.

Not only will this make things transparent, but it also avoids confusion and rumors spreading. You can reinforce a strong company culture by being open about changes or transitions. It can be a scary time for employees when there are shifts happening, so it’s important to craft the email announcement with care and empathy.

In this article, we’ll provide some sample internal transfer announcement email templates you can use as a starting point and then modify as needed for your particular situation.

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What Is an Internal Transfer?

An internal transfer refers to an employee moving from one position or department to another within the same company. This could be a promotion, lateral move, or transfer to a different team or location. The key thing is that the employee remains within the organization, rather than leaving for a new external job. It should be a bit easier to craft than an employee departure announcement.

Just remember to keep the internal email brief and positive. Highlight the person’s accomplishments and express confidence in their ability to succeed in the new role or department.

Purpose of an Internal Transfer Announcement Email

Changes like these happen often at companies. And letting your staff know about them is important. There are a few key reasons to send an internal transfer announcement email:

  • Avoid confusion or rumors: By being direct and transparent about internal changes, you avoid confusion or gossip spreading among employees.
  • Reinforce company culture: Proactively communicating about transitions shows you value transparency and openness. This helps build a strong company culture.
  • Welcome and congratulate: The email is a chance to welcome someone to a new role and congratulate them on the opportunity. This shows you support career growth and development. It should still feel different from a new employee introduction email to staff.
  • Clarify next steps: The announcement can briefly clarify the next steps for the employee’s prior role or responsibilities to avoid any uncertainty.

Any of these would be reason enough to send an email to your staff. But it’s quite normal for more than one of these things to happen without a message being sent out.  

Internal Transfer Announcement Email Best Practices

When writing this kind of internal email, you want to hit the right tone and be clear with your message. To do that, keep these internal communications best practices in mind:

  • Be positive and enthusiastic
  • Use a warm yet professional tone
  • Keep the email brief and straightforward
  • Mention the person’s new title and responsibilities
  • Highlight their accomplishments and strengths
  • Welcome them to the new role and express confidence in their success
  • Thank them for their contributions to date (if applicable)
  • Clarify the next steps for the vacated role (if applicable)

Doing this can help to ensure a smooth internal transition and that the right message is conveyed to your staff. The last thing you want to do is be vague or negative about internal changes. Positivity and transparency are key!

Internal Transfer Announcement Email Samples 

There are several ways to approach building an email template for internal transfer announcements. We’ve put together a few variations for some of the most common scenarios, and mixed in different perspectives and sender types as well. 

Pick and choose the parts that work the best for your own announcement and refer back to this article for tips and best practices.

Promotion announcement from manager

This is always a pleasant message to read. You can keep things light and congraulatory.

Subject: Congratulations to [Employee Name] on [New Title] Promotion

Dear all,

I’m pleased to announce that [Employee Name] has been promoted to [New Title]. In [his/her/their] time as [Previous Title], [Employee Name] has demonstrated strong leadership and the ability to [relevant accomplishments and strengths].

In [his/her/their] new role as [New Title], [Employee Name] will be responsible for [new responsibilities]. I’m confident [he/she/they] will excel in this position and help lead our team’s success.

Please join me in congratulating [Employee Name] on this well-deserved promotion.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Lateral move announcement from HR

This type of email is important for clarity across the team. Be clear about where the employee will be transferring to, and how this might impact others.

Subject: Announcement About [Employee Name]’s Move to [New Department]


I’m letting you know that [Employee Name] will be transferred to our [New Department] team, effective [start date].

In [his/her/their] time as a [Current Title] on the [Current Department] team, [Employee Name] has contributed a great deal, including [relevant accomplishments]. We’re grateful for [his/her/their] work and dedication.

We’re confident that [Employee Name] will be an excellent fit for the [New Department] team, and this move will provide new opportunities for growth and development. Please join me in thanking [him/her/them] for [his/her/their] efforts to date and wishing [him/her/them] the best in this next chapter.

If you have any questions or concerns about this transition, please let me know.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Human Resources

Temporary transfer announcement from manager

If you have a scenario where an employee is making a temporary change, it’s important to outline where the employee will be transferred to, and if you have the information, for how long they will be there.

Subject: [Employee Name]’s Temporary Transfer to [Other Department]


I’m letting you know that [Employee Name] will be temporarily transferred to our [Other Department] team for the next [time period].

This temporary move will allow [Employee Name] the opportunity to [reasons for and benefits of the temporary transfer]. I’m confident it will be a valuable learning experience and help [him/her] develop additional skills that will benefit our team.

During this time, please direct any questions or requests regarding [Employee Name]’s ongoing projects to [replacement contact] and join me in thanking [him/her/them] for taking on this temporary additional responsibility.

We look forward to having [Employee Name] back on our team [timeline].


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Promotion announcement from HR

This type of email from HR is a great way to build company culture. Celebrate your employee, but also be clear about the facts.

Subject: Congratulations to [Employee Name] on [his/her] Promotion


I’m pleased to announce that [Employee Name] has been promoted from [Previous Title] to [New Title], effective [date].

In [his/her/their] time as a [Previous Title], [Employee Name] has demonstrated strong leadership and the ability to [relevant skills and accomplishments]. This promotion is well deserved and will allow [him/her/them] to [opportunities and responsibilities in the new role].

Please join me in congratulating [Employee Name] on this achievement. [He/She/They] will continue to sit with the [department name] group and be available to answer any questions you may have about this transition.

Let’s all wish [him/her/them] the very best in this next chapter of [his/her/their] career.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Human Resources

Department reorganization announcement from HR

This is an important email to get right. If there is a department reorganization, try your best to answer any potential questions right from the beginning with this email. You want to make sure that everyone is on the same page about all the moving parts, and that they have clear next steps.

ubject: Announcement About Department Reorganization


I wanted to let you know that we are reorganizing the structure of the [department name] department. The reorganization will be implemented on [date] and will aim to [reasons for and goals of the reorganization].

The key changes are as follows:

  • [Employee Name] will take on the new role of [new title] and will oversee [new responsibilities].
  • The [team/group name] team will now report directly to [manager name] to better align with broader company goals.
  • We are creating a new [team/group name] team to focus on [responsibilities]. [Employee Name] will head up this new group and will report to [manager name].

We believe this reorganization will [expected benefits and impacts]. The leadership team and I are committed to supporting a smooth transition. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

We’re excited about this next chapter and are confident it will enable us to [goals]. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and continued hard work.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Human Resources

Company restructuring announcement from the CEO

As the leader of the company, it’s important to be transparent. But as CEO, you also have to explain your vision for the company in a clear way. This email will help you do just that.

Subject: Announcement About Company Restructuring


I wanted to let you know that we are restructuring our company to better position ourselves for future growth. The restructuring will be implemented on [date] and will aim to [reasons for and goals of the restructuring].

The key changes are as follows:

  • We are streamlining our products and services to focus on our core offerings. This means we will be [changes to products/services].
  • We are reorganizing our leadership team to [reasons for changes]. The new leadership team will be comprised of [names and titles].
  • We are opening a new office/facility in [location] to [reasons and goals]. [Employee Name] will head up this new office and will report directly to me.

I recognize this is a significant announcement that may raise questions or concerns. The leadership team will be available to provide more details and answer any questions you may have. This restructuring is an important step towards [goals] and will require the support of all employees. I’m confident that if we work together, we can [outcomes].

Thank you in advance for your understanding and continued hard work.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Chief Executive Officer

Internal Job Posting Announcement From HR

While this is a bit of a different scenario, internal job posting announcements also have implied connections to internal transfers. So, hopefully, this sample email will be helpful as well.

Subject: Announcement About New Job Opportunity (Internal)


We have an exciting new job opportunity available on our team. The role of [job title] will be responsible for [responsibilities]. This is a [level] position that reports directly to [manager name].

The ideal candidate will have [required qualifications and skills]. Preference may be given to internal candidates who can demonstrate [relevant experience and accomplishments].

If you’re interested in this opportunity, please submit a cover letter and copy of your current resume to [HR contact] by [deadline date]. You’re welcome to reach out to [HR contact] or myself if you have any questions about the role or application process.

We’re looking forward to reviewing applications from strong internal candidates. Thank you and good luck!


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Human Resources

Build Internal Transfer Announcement Email Templates with ContactMonkey

While the examples provided cover common business communication scenarios, you may need to craft custom announcement emails for unique situations, such as work anniversary emails. Using an HTML email template builder like ContactMonkey makes it easy to create custom announcement email templates in Outlook and Gmail with your company branding. Just choose an announcement email template and customize the content and design as needed within the employee communication software.

It’s easy to share the template with your team, so everyone is on the same page. Plus, you can track email engagement and measure the success of each announcement. 

Get started today and make your internal transfer emails stand out!

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